You got the qualities but the marriage broke up - why?

 When we match daily horoscope for the future married life of a boy and a girl, generally the qualities are mixed. Marriage is approved when 18 of the maximum 36 qualities are found. But, it is often seen that even after getting 30-32 qualities, there is separation or divorce. Why so?

We believe that marriage should not be recognized only on the basis of the number of matching properties. It is very important to consider the position of planets related to married life. Thus, first of all, it is very necessary to assess the planets in the horoscope. Along with this, one should also take care of the expressions of the horoscope, only after that the qualities should be seen because the qualities are found in a demanding and non-manglik too, but on the basis of the planets, one gets happiness throughout life or has to face hardships. Along with this, the future conditions should also be seen.

Marriage Planet Dasha
In relation to married life, three planets play an important role in the horoscope, Jupiter, Venus and Mars. These planets should be in good position for a happy marriage. Clearly, if discuss about each planet in particular, Jupiter is considered to be the benefactor of happy family life. For this reason, it is necessary for the Jupiter to be free from sin in the horoscope of both the bride and groom.
Apart from this, the seventh house is considered in the horoscope for married life. In particular, the seventh house should be devoid of malefic influence. Apart from this, the seventh house should not be related to Sun, Saturn, Mars, Rahu, Ketu, otherwise there can be a matter of separation as these are considered as the planets of separation. Apart from this, the seventh lord should not be in the 6th, 8th, 12th house of the horoscope. Along with this, the constellation in which the lord of the seventh house is, the lord of that constellation should not be in the 6th, 8th or 12th house.The presence of Shasthes, Ashtamesh or Dwadashesh in the seventh house, the seventh house being malefic or the effect of a malefic planet on the seventh house and if there is no auspiciousness, it shows the unhappy married life.
It is necessary to sacrifice the planet Venus, which is the factor in the intimate relationship between husband and wife, then only if Venus is completely free from the effect of sin in the horoscope of both husband and wife, there are possibilities of happiness in the relationship after marriage. Along with this, it is also necessary for Venus to be powerful and auspicious.

Happy married life planetary dasha
If the lord of the seventh house is aspected by auspicious planets and is having a relationship with Venus, then the married life is very happy and full of love. If Saturn, Mars or Rahu are aspecting or conjunct any two planets on the seventh house, then there is a lack of marital happiness. When Venus is strong, free from malefic effects, sitting in an auspicious house with an exalted planet, or aspected by an auspicious planet, there is no reduction in conjugal happiness.

We discuss about why marriage are broken after match all qualities. Three planets Jupiter, Venus, and Mars play significant roles in horoscope matching for marriage.

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